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Whistleblower protection

We work honestly and respect the rules.


Edhouse s.r.o. receives notifications with information about possible violations of Act No. 171/2023 Coll. through the internal notification system during normal working hours, either orally, in writing or in person.

We exclude the acceptance of notifications from persons who do not perform work or other similar activities for the company pursuant to Section 2(3)(a), (h) or (i).

We do not accept anonymous notifications without the identity of the notifier (name, surname and date of birth, or other identifiable information).

We have designated a competent person to receive notifications and other activities under the Act: HR manager, tel. 573 775 963, address: Edhouse s.r.o., Vavrečkova 7074, 760 01 Zlín. Do not display the caller ID and mark the envelope "DO NOT OPEN, NOTICE", otherwise the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower or the confidentiality of the information provided cannot be guaranteed.

The whistleblower may also submit a notification to the Ministry of Justice in the manner indicated on the institution's website.

Knowingly false notification is an offence punishable by a fine of up to CZK 50,000. The whistleblower of a false report is not protected from retaliation.

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