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What Should I know as a Tester?


Soft skills


As a Software Quality Engineer (SQE), you'll find yourself positioned between programmers and management. Each side prefers a different type of communication. While management is interested in the product's status, current issues, or the release schedule, programmers are more concerned with technical specifications. They need to know how the product should behave, how it should not behave under any circumstances, where changes should manifest, and under what conditions. In the case of a bug, they need to know when and how it occurred.

It's important for an SQE to be able to filter/translate information for each team member so that it can be used as effectively as possible. An SQE should know as much as possible about the product they are testing. However, they often won't receive all the information upfront and must not be afraid to ask questions multiple times, even if phrased differently each time.


Every member of the team should be accountable, no one should rely solely on the tester. However, the tester is often the last person to work with a feature or make the biggest changes. Testers need to be aware that they have a major influence on the direction the development will take and how it may affect the customer. Testers face a lot of pressure at the end of the normal development cycle (sprint, release). Sometimes they have to prolong the development or oppose the whole team in order to achieve product quality. They should have a rather critical or pessimistic mindset. To summarize, a tester must be sure that, he or she has done his best to ensure the highest possible test coverage. Alternatively, he or she has communicated all threats during development before it starts.


As a tester, curiosity is one of the most important qualities you can possess. If a particular functionality works correctly, it's essential to remember that it may not work the same way in any other configuration. Let me give you an example. Imagine we have an e-shop where we can order goods. After we confirm our order via email, we go through the normal order process. Just because we didn't encounter any error doesn't mean there can't be a bug! The tester should be interested in what happens if he doesn't fill in the address, enters unauthorised characters in the name, makes the whole purchase on a different browser or device. Every tester should be curious and ask questions or try things out. Thanks to his curiosity, it is possible that a problem will be discovered before the start of the work on the product!


From the previous characteristics, it's clear that the tester will need to present their idea in the best way possible. They often find themselves in opposition to the team, but if they want to get their point across, they have to present it correctly. The point must be clear to each team member and why they should be concerned with it. But sometimes this is not enough! The tester always faces outnumbered in the team, so they have to make their point forcefully or engagingly.

Hard skills


It is often assumed that English is a universal language, but in fact there are still many people who lack the technical and personal skills to communicate effectively in English. This can have a significant impact on their ability to succeed in the IT industry. As you may have noticed in the previous paragraphs, English expressions are sometimes used. These are common expressions which are not translated, in case someone is new to IT it will be more difficult for them to adapt because they will not be able to translate these expressions.

In IT there are lot of phrases in English. Documentations are also in English too. Knowledge of English at B2 level or higher is a great advantage

The problem starts at the interview! Even if the company you want to work for does not communicate internally in English. It is possible that part of the documentation will be in English or the customer prefers to communicate in English. Because of this, the door will be closed to many interesting projects where you could excel.

Programming basics and database work

The notion that a tester is not required to possess any programming knowledge is a myth or a statement that is no longer accurate. A basic understanding of programming can be beneficial when creating a test scenario. Having at least a general understanding of how the developer likely implemented the task under test allows for more comprehensive testing. Additionally, it can save time and prevent the need for unnecessary testing. Furthermore, the developer will appreciate such knowledge when, instead of a reported bug with a procedure, he receives information from the logs that you understand thanks to your basic programming knowledge.

As a tester, you may be required to test how data is stored, or to enable something in the database for a web application that the normal user cannot see. You may also often need to find out who was logged in at a specific time and what operations they were performing. It is becoming increasingly rare for testers to have experience of databases. However, the basics of SQL can make a tester's job a lot easier. There are numerous online courses and tutorials that can be easily accessed to learn the fundamental operations of database management. Understanding the principles by which data in the application under test communicates with each other will enable more effective reporting of bugs, implementation of test scenarios, and enhanced comprehension of discussions regarding new functionality.

Advanced OS knowledge

As a software tester, you will be working with your computer on a daily basis. In order to perform your duties effectively, you will need to possess a high level of computer literacy. This will include the ability to manage the operating system on your computer so that it does not interfere with your test results. You will often use extensions or work on virtual operating systems. In addition, you will need to ensure that you have maximum protection in place so that you do not accidentally leak sensitive information. It is advisable to use a password management tool, such as KeePass, which has proven to be effective. It is also important to back up your data regularly, particularly source code, using either GIT or a secure backup repository, which may be a corporate server. Finally, it is essential to keep your computer up to date.

Finally, I will present a summary of the qualities that a tester should possess. A tester is a person who is not afraid to speak his mind. Testers must behave responsibly and confidently. They should ask questions until they are absolutely clear about everything. A sense of order and adherence to the rules is essential. Testers must have at least basic technical IT skills or at least an interest in learning them. Their goal is not to test every possible feature. The objective of the tester is to minimise the number of bugs and maximise the extent of testing.

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Martin Blažek

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